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Rules & Regulations
General Rules & Regulations:
Students should address their teachers and all the members of the staff with due respect and politeness. They are expected to behave in a gentle manner. They should show respect and politeness to their companions too.
Scribing books, desks and walls is strictly prohibited and liable to fine Running or playing in the class rooms and shouting insides the classes are not allowed.
Students are prohibited to go out of school premises during school hours and lunch hour without the permission of the principal. Fee are to be paid in advance before the 10th of each month failing which a fine of Rs. 50/- will be levied for each month.
The attendance of the student must be 75% for appearing in the final examination.
Rules Regarding Discipline:-
Strict regularity and punctuality, implicit obedience, courtesy in work and deed, cleanliness of dress and proper care of books and school property are expected from every pupil. Pupil and parents must strictly confirm to the instructions, rules and Regulations laid down.
The wearing of school uniforms is obligatory. Wearing of jewellery or bringing expensive articles or money to school is strictly prohibited and the school will not be responsible for its loss.
Pupil are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behavior outside. Any report of objectionable conduct on part of any pupil will make him/her liable for disciplinary action.
No pupil suffering from any contagious or infectious disease shall be permitted to attend the school till he/she brings a Medical Certificate of fitness.
Irregular attendance, constant negligence of work, insubordination to teachers, willful and repeated breaches of school regulations will lead to serious punishment or expulsion.